About Us

A platform for each member of the community to
engage with the community

Our Programs

Training Programs For Our Community

Digital Literacy is quite vital in today’s workplace. Employers are more than ever looking for employees who are comfortable with the invasion of technology in the workplace. Colleges and Universities are encouraging digital literacy as students are more likely to succeed when they have a certain level of comfort with technology. Many colleges and Universities are using online LMS (Learning Management System), so it is imperative for students to feel comfortable with technology in order to properly navigate class resources. Workforce Reimagined Academy is committed to providing training to members of our community who are getting ready to return to college or attend for the first time. Our program participants will benefit from our relevant and effectual training programs that are designed for individuals seeking to return or newly attend college and individuals seeking office work or advancement in their careers.

Workshops For Local Organizations

Because at Workforce Reimagined Academy, we understand that well-trained employees yield a better workplace environment where creative and innovative ideas take nascence, and collaboration becomes easier within and across departments. We collaborate with local organizations to bring to them workshops designed to inspire creativity and boost productivity. We understand that every organization’s need is different, we will work closely with each organization to assess their training needs, along with their expected results in order to design the adequate training package that guarantees their satisfaction. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change.

Community Connections

Our community is full of people who want to help. Workforce Reimagined Academy is committed to provide a platform to members of our community who are seeking to make a difference by getting involved. We are a vessel through which the community receives from the community. For we believe in genuinely caring for each other if we are aspiring to a prosperous and grateful community. Come connect with people in new ways.